
The Secret To Making Injectable Fillers Last Longer

Injectable products like dermal fillers or Botox® are effective, convenient products that can reverse common signs of aging. However, the effects of fillers and neurotoxins, while long-lasting, do eventually wear off as they are naturally degraded by the body. Depending on the type of injectable used, the results of your treatment can last anywhere from 6 months to a year.

If you’re looking for ways to help make your treatments last longer in-between visits, here are a few secrets.

Wear Sun Protection

Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can actually reverse the benefits of your injectable treatments. The sun can damage the weak top layer of skin by removing moisture and therefore leaving your skin susceptible to lines, wrinkles, and stubborn age spots. Maintain your results for longer by using daily a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen, avoiding direct sunlight by wearing a hat or visor, or staying indoors during peak sunlight hours.

Skin Care

It’s hardly a secret that when we take proper care of something it tends to last longer. The same is true for your injectable treatments. When you take proper care of your skin by using moisturizer daily and staying hydrated, this will help enhance the water-absorption effects of hyaluronic-based fillers, keeping your skin plump and wrinkle-free! Do some research for the skin care products that have ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, collagen, or squalene.

Eat Right and Avoid Alcohol

It is scientifically proven that gut health is linked to all other physical and mental health. To help maximize the results of your fillers, it’s encouraged to stay away from processed and packaged foods, as well as limiting the amount of sugar in your diet. While it’s fun to have a drink after work, be sure to alternate between beverages with a glass of water. Alcohol is known to dehydrate the body and the skin. To prolong your results and enhance your skin (and total body) health, skip the sugary and alcoholic beverages altogether.

Stress Less

Stress is difficult to avoid these days. Whether it stems from career, relationships, or finances, stress can negatively impact our bodies in many different ways. In terms of the skin, high levels of stress can accelerate the aging process and rapidly enhance common unwanted negative effects. To extend your injectable results, try to reduce unnecessary stress and incorporate stress reducing exercises into your day.

Injectables with Dr. Doriana Cosgrove in Indian Wells, CA

At Desert Med Aesthetics, Dr. Doriana Cosgrove has been helping patients rejuvenate their skin with dermal fillers and Botox® injections. With years of experience in dermal fillers and neuromodulators, you can rest assured that your procedure will be carried out with the highest standard of precision and artistry, giving you results that are natural and long-lasting.

For more information on dermal fillers or Botox® injection, contact Desert Med Aesthetics for a consultation.