5 Problems IPL Therapy Can Treat
While it’s impossible to avoid the effects of aging, various options for treating skin imperfections are within your reach. With intense pulsed light therapy, you can have clear, younger-looking skin in a matter of weeks. IPL therapy uses light wavelengths to address a range of skin issues. By deeply penetrating to the second layer of skin, the visible outer layer receives less damage – and you can finally achieve a complexion you’re proud to show off.
Are there things about your skin that you’d like to change? Here are five problems that IPL therapy in Palm Desert, CA, can treat at Desert Med Aesthetics.
What Is IPL?
IPL stands out from other laser rejuvenation treatment for its use of multiple wavelengths, which ensures the top layer of your skin remains untouched and minimizes the risk to the deeper tissue structures. To protect her patients and ensure their long-term satisfaction, Dr. Doriana Cosgrove uses only the most cutting-edge technologies. At Desert Med Aesthetics, we feature Cutera Limelight IPL, a state-of-the-art laser with a history of success in skin rejuvenation.
We’ve successfully used IPL to address the following five concerns for our patients.
1. Age Spots
Age spots, or liver spots, are flat, dark marks on the skin. They emerge wherever you have gotten the most sun – your face, backs of your hands, shoulders, and arms. They’re usually shades of tan, brown, or black and appear in various sizes.
The more UV exposure your skin gets, the more melanin your body will produce. Over many years, the melanin forms these dark spots.
An IPL treatment will remove your age spots by converting the pigment cells into heat, killing the cells and making age spots lighten or disappear completely.
2. Freckles
Freckles have many genetic components, but the sun can play a significant role in their development as well. Freckles can appear in brown, tan, or red and occur when melanin collects underneath the skin. For freckle-free skin, IPL is the answer. It will remove your freckles and achieve smoother, brighter-looking skin.
3. Spider Veins
Spider veins form when small blood vessels near the skin’s surface dilate. Many things can cause spider veins, including genetics, trauma, pregnancy, sun damage, and aging. During an IPL treatment, the heat from the IPL lasers will cause the veins to collapse and create scar tissue that your body will reabsorb, leaving behind clear skin.
4. Birthmarks
Birthmarks are a discoloration on the skin that develop at birth or a few weeks after. Birthmarks can appear anywhere on the body and come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Sometimes a birthmark will disappear entirely on its own, but in other cases, it may grow.
If you’re uncomfortable or embarrassed by your birthmark, IPL therapy can remove it by shrinking the blood vessels.
5. Rosacea
Rosacea is the swelling of small blood vessels around your nose and cheeks. It shows up as a red, small, pimple-like texture that is usually prominent and difficult to hide. Rosacea can be embarrassing and ruin anyone’s self-esteem. IPL treatments can reduce the inflammation of rosacea, smoothing out your skin tone and restoring your confidence.
Where to Find IPL Treatment Near You
To learn more about IPL therapy in Palm Desert, contact Desert Med Aesthetics by calling (760) 777-8772 or reaching out online to schedule your consultation with Dr. Cosgrove.