What Not to do After Fractional Laser Therapy
Laser skin treatments are an excellent way to improve the appearance of your skin without having to undergo invasive surgery. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that though lasers are safe and effective, you do need to be aware of the aftercare of your treatment in order to receive and maintain incredible results. This aftercare includes how to care for your newly treated skin and, possibly more importantly, what not to do once you have had your treatment.
What Is Fractional Laser Therapy?
Fractional laser therapy is used when service-level skin cells need to be removed. Rather than targeting a specific area, the fractional laser device is used across the entire face to reveal healthy new skin layers. Other laser skin treatments use infrared light, but fractional laser therapy uses short, concentrated light energy to remove the topmost layers of the skin and can address several skin concerns, including wrinkles, scars, warts, and enlarged oil glands.
What NOT To Do After Fractional Laser Therapy Treatment
- Overexpose Your skin to the sun
Direct sun exposure after your fractional laser therapy can be incredibly harmful to your skin and your results. Directly after your treatment and for a few weeks after, your skin will be delicate since it’s essentially new skin. Exposing it to UV rays without sun protection can cause your skin to burn severely and cause your skin concern to reoccur. Be sure to use a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher when out in the sun or wear protective clothing like a hat or visor.
- Do Not Skip your skincare
At Desert Med Aesthetics, Dr. Cosgrove will give you instructions on how to care for your skin after treatment, including what skincare to start incorporating into your at-home routine. Because fractional laser therapy damages your skin cells, you will need to clean the treated area by washing your face at least twice a day.
Some degree of peeling and flaking is expected during your skin’s recovery. You mustn’t pick or peel at this shedding skin. The flaking skin will fall off naturally over time, revealing the fresh, renewed skin beneath.
Remember to moisturize. Change to a gentle moisturizer, one that doesn’t include heavy emollients or solutions like retinol or exfoliating acids. Make sure that whatever moisturizer you use is approved by your surgeon and light and gentle on the skin.
Tobacco smoke can cause complications during the healing process and make the recovery process much more difficult. For one thing, smoke interferes with proper blood flow, increasing healing time and reducing positive outcomes from your procedure.
Smoking is also one of the leading causes of aging. Smoking encourages premature wrinkles and other signs of aging on the skin. Not only will quitting smoking improve your overall health, but it will also provide you with positive changes in your skin’s appearance.
Try to avoid strenuous activity for three to four days after your treatment to reduce the amount of sweating and blood flow to the face. Sweating can irritate your skin and cause itching and irritation.
Ask About Fractional Laser Therapy in Palm Desert, CA
If you’re interested in fractional laser therapy and have questions about the procedure, how to prepare, and if you’re a good candidate for this rejuvenating treatment, Indian Wells specialist Dr. Doriana Cosgrove can help you decide the best treatment plan for your skin concerns. Call Desert Med Aesthetics at (760) 777-8772 to learn if this solution is right for you.